Bio - His daddy was a big anti-mutant dude, so when Warren developed wings like a bird good 'ol dad jumped right in to "cure" his son. However Warren had a change of heart and refused the "medicine". Long story short, Wally left daddy for a team of crime-fighting mutants. Eventually becoming the horsemen Death under Apocalypse, and later unbecoming Death by leaving Apocalypse for the X-men again as Angel, then returning as Archangel, then becoming a new Apocalypse, then joining the X-men again. Wally has peak human strength, speed and stamina, an accelerated healing factor, can fly with his wings, and later gains powers including energy blasts, "essence reading", energy constructs, and raising the dead. He excels at hand-to-hand combat (especially airborne) and fencing. He has a weakness for beautiful women.
No. 9 - Carnage (Spiderman)
Bio- Cletus Cassidy, a psychopathic murderer, while imprisoned in a cell next to Eddie Brock (Venom) hadacquired a piece of Eddie's symbiote and became Carnage. His love for killing now aided with a power similar to Venom's. Carnage has many abilities including (but not limited to) clinging to walls, "webbing", creating tentacle-like appendages and transforming parts of his body into various blades such as axes swords and the like. Carnage can detach these weapons at will allowing him to launch projectiles or simply pop a sword out of his body. These manifestations only last for about 30 seconds while removed from Carnage's body. Thesymbiote also grants him superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, durability and an accelerated healing factor.
No. 8! - Thor (The Avengers... I think)
Bio- Born of Odin and Gaea Thor has abilities surpassing even the Asgardians, including god-like strength, speed, stamina, durability, the ability to alter ones memories, the ability to transcend dimensions and energy manipulation as well as having control over weather and even Earth itself. His vast strength comes from not only his heritage but he also wields Mjolnir granting him even more power, and he wears Megingjord, a magical belt that doubles his natural abilities.
No. 7! - Cable (X-men)
Bio- Nathan Summers, the son of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Madelyn Pryor (Goblin queen) was born as part of Mr. Sinister's plan to kill Apocalypse. Nathan's powers and abilities include, various forms of telepathy (Mind reading, telepathic illusion, mind control, mind trap, mind transfer, mind possession, mental amnesia, astral projection, etc.) various forms of psyionic abilities including psyionic shields, and psyioinc blasts, and various forms of telekinesis (force fields, matter alteration, intuitive aptitude, psyionic spikes, concussive blasts and telekinetic flight, etc.) as well as teleportation. He's an expert in both armed and unarmed combat.
No. 6! - Hulk (The incredible Hulk)
Bio- Everyone knows the Hulk, created from an experiment with gamma radiation yadda-yadda. SMASH! Who cares?! We wanna wreck stuff! Notorious for his monstrous power and anger the Hulk's power knows only the bounds of his rage. Becoming infinitely powerful as he get's mad, and he get's pretty mad. Fighting gods like Thor on equal footing and even surviving the end of the world The Hulk is almost always the last man standing. While he doesn't have the many powers that other heroes and villains have you gotta love the green machine.
No. 5! - Spiderman (The "Amazing" Spiderman)
Bio- Don't field trips suck? Peter Parker got a bite from a freak spider and gained spider powers and somehow along with them the power to attract the sexiest women on the planet. On second thought, maybe I should go on more field trips. Spiderman's abilities are well known: Wall crawling, spider sense etc. His strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, flexibility etc. Are also enhanced and he's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant. The Web-head lives on as one of the most popular heroes of all time, and for good reason.
No. 4! - Magneto (X-men)
Bio- The original nemesis of the X-men, Max Eisenhardt is among my top 5 due to his SHEER BADA$$ERY!! The master of magnetism has stood among my favorites since I was a child. Magneto commands magnetism allowing him to manipulate even organic metals at the atomic level and bond metals to any designated surface material including water and air. He can generate force fields capable of withstanding nuclear weapons. He can fly using his control of magnetism. And is just plain awesome.
No. 3!! - Dormmamu (Dr. Strange)

Bio- The conqueror of not one but many dimensions. Dormammu's power is greater even than that of the Elder gods. Dormammu's powers include matter transfiguration, some of the most powerful magic, limitless astral projection, transformation, elemental control, flight, time travel, energy projection, Resurrection and more. His only weakness is quite a hindrance: His powers are significantly diminished while in dimensions other than his own, causing him to rely on servants that he enlists inside the dimension he's currently trying to invade.Dormammu has earned himself a spot in my top 3 because he's just such a darn good villain.
No. 2!!! - Captain America!
Bio- Captain America has been among my favorite super heroes my entire life, his abilities include nothing more than peak human condition, expertise in armed and unarmed combat yet he stands on-par with some of the strongest heroes in Marvel comics, He's old WW2 buddies with Wolverine, he's gained respect from Thor and even The Hulk (even though arrogant douchebags like Tony Stark don't know when to back down 'cause the Cap. is always right) He's proven worthy of wielding Mjolnir granting him the powers of Thor (Although he gave it back) And he's so committed to the American dream I bet he'd probably over throw America's own government to restore that dream if he felt it necessary.
No. 1!!!! - DEADPOOL!!!!!
Bio- Wade Wilson isn't the brightest guy, not since the Weapon X project. But he sure is the funniest. That's right, my all-time fav is Deadpool for hilarity alone. He's an expert combatant armed and unarmed, and his healing factor is rivaled by few; regenerating entire limbs and even surviving getting his head knocked off.
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